The hubby and I just got back from a ski vacay in Tahoe… and boy did we ever need it! This was the first trip we’ve taken without the little one since he was born 8 months ago, and we were so lucky that my in-laws volunteered to keep him. With Richard’s busy weekday work schedule, and my busy weekend shooting schedule/weekday editing schedule, plus a baby, we were in serious need of some quality time together.
The opportunity to get away for a few days was, for me, enough in and of itself. But the trip was even more special because we got to do one of our favorite all-time activities together: skiing! And the stellar conditions (which we heard described as “epic” and “legendary” – words skiers LOVE to hear) were icing on the cake. It snowed 4/5 days we were there, and amassed approx 5 additional feet at mid-mountain. Um, yay!
I had hoped to take my camera out on the slopes one day, but it would have required me to make an additional trip up and down the gondola to take my camera back to our hotel… and that did not make sense to me since I wanted to take full advantage of the skiing. But I can’t go anywhere without taking at least a few photos… so here are a few pics of me (compliments of my husband/sometimes second shooter!), the hubby and the conditions. HAPPY MONDAY (/President’s Day)!