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New and Improved Website! | Atlanta Branding Photographer

Last week I had a major reality check; I realized that I was offering a full range of services, including weddings, engagements, branding and corporate headshots, that were not even so much as mentioned on my website!

My solution was to spend the last few days of January executing a massive overhaul of my website!

It was not exactly a cinch (which is why I had been putting it off), but nothing worth doing comes easy, or so the saying goes… and such was the case here!

I combed through my archives and recent sessions to create new galleries, wrote content, generated price lists, revamped my logo… and then wrapped it all up with a bow my new blogsite!

It was a huge undertaking, but I am in love with everything about it.

You can view it here!

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope to work with you soon!