I mentioned to Richard (=hubby) that I might [one day] like to start collecting vintage cameras to display in my office. What Richard heard was, “Great news, honey: I finally thought of something to incorporate in the decor of our house that you will be totally on board with!” Which explains why on Christmas morning, there were 8 boxes under our tree with my name on them. Not only did he start my collection… one might argue that he also completed it!
I am absolutely in love with the vintage charm these little jewels add to my office… and it goes without saying that I am in love with my husband too 🙂 I mean, during the year that he had a great excuse to slack on my gift (=new baby!), he out-did himself! That boy’s mama raised him right! {Muah, honey!!! Thanks for being you…} But I digress. Here are some fun and vintagy photos I took of the new members of the AHP family this afternoon: