Well, I kept hearing that a year would go by quickly… let me just go ahead and confirm the cliche! Being the Beatles fan that he is, even at his young age, my husband and I thought it would only be appropriate to throw our son a Beatles Birthday party! As you can see, I took on multiple DIY projects that went into making the day special… which were lots of fun for me, being a project-lover. But the centerpiece for the day was the VW bus cut-out that my dad (aka, Poppy– also a project lover– shown below in the VW Bus, wearing an afro, lol) made for the party! It was fantastic!!!
Also, the food was very much a collaborative effort. I made a few things, and P’s grandmothers made a few things… the only rule was that each menu item had to in some way relate to the Beatles. I wish I had photos of everything, but being Mommy, party-thrower and photographer didn’t give me me much time to do tons of detail photos (I wore my camera around my neck and kept my 50 mm lens on for the entire party– snapshot style!). We had strawberry field greens salad, Dizzy Dizzy Miss Lizzie Pinwheels, Peas Please Me (Wassabi Peas), Bungalow Bill Mystery Meat Tarts, Mean Mr.Mustard Pretzels, Do the Mashed Potato Salad… and the list goes on!