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My Office: Its Latest Manifestation | Atlanta Wedding Photographer

Last year I blogged about my office/consultation space, which, at that time was just a shade or two short of neon green (see for yourself, here). It was not really that bad… but what it looked like on my walls was not at all what I’d expected. Though I am very partial to bright,bold colors, I’ve learned that they are best not used on my walls, because they make me crazy.

I’ve actually learned several things about my decorating style, and, just so I don’t continue to make the same mistakes over and over again, I thought I’d write them down as a reminder to myself:

  1. I generally prefer more inviting, neutral shades on my walls, but accessories/accents that pop.
  2. Occasionally I’ll get confused, and think that my decorating style is modern. It is not – at best it is eclectic.  And it is probably more craftsman-shabby-cottagy than I’d like to admit.  But I keep it real with bold colors and graphic prints.
  3. Almost always, I buy buy/create art that is too big.  Currently, I have lots of over-sized and awesome stuff I’d like to display, but my sweet little house does not have the vast wall space necessary to support it.  Nothing more frustrating.
  4. If I keep something I’ve cycled out long enough, I’ll either (a) come to love it again, or (b) find some way to use it while I wait to buy the item on my wish list.
  5. I really like repurposed furniture…  (note the baker’s rack in the left corner of my office, being used as shelving!) and what a BONUS it is fun to scavenge for, and is usually not too expensive. Hello, Kudzu Antique Market, consignment stores, and antique stores!
  6. As much as I’d love to be, I am NOT a decorator.  I  just have excellent taste (so I can point to rooms, fabrics, accessories that I love… I just have trouble doing it myself!).  Which explains why my house is always a work in progress!

Only took me 6 years of home ownership to figure all of this out, and I am sure that another epiphany is just around the corner! Oh the growing pains. This is the most recent manifestation of my office. And for now, I am very happy with it (yay!).  You can see traces of my fun vintage cameras on the bookcase… next blog post will be about those, for sure!