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Cochran Family | Marietta Family Photographer

This family recently combined to form a real life “Brady Bunch”!

I have known and loved Caroline (mom) for years, so when I heard she was engaged, I was over the moon with joy for her!

And when she asked me to come to their gorgeous new combined house where this crew of 8 has been quarantining (a super hard life by the way, with a gorgeously landscaped backyard, complete with a pool and two bridges… because, why just one, right? ha!)!

The kids are all delightful, and genuinely enjoy each other’s company! I mean, if you have to be quarantining, the more playmates, the merrier!

But at the center of this great big home full of kids, you’l find two of the most awesome people you’ve ever met! Brian is hysterical and brings all the fun and silliness to this family! And he is the perfect match for fun, laid-back Caroline, who is stress free and up for anything!

Basically, this family completely rocks, and I am just overjoyed to have been invited to document the union of these two awesome people, and their families!