You may remember the family photos (starring Austin!) that I blogged about in the fall? Well, you may also remember that mom, was Allie expecting her second son, Luke, at that time. Well, Luke arrived in December, and Allie was in touch almost immediately to get Luke’s photo session on the calendar! Seriously, as a mom myself, I am always impressed with this kind of on-top-of-it-ness!
Allie asked a question I hear frequently from expectant/new moms – “when is the best time to do an infant photo session?” My answer to her was that if you like the sweet, sleepy newborn photos, then you should do the session within the first month of life, but that if you like photos of chubbier babies that show a little more personality, you should wait till 3 or 4 months. However, after this session, I finally have a decisive answer for when is the best time to do baby photos: 4 months (Baby Luke’s pictured age)! The reason is because photos of babies awake are just more interesting to me… and at 4 months they are most likely smiling (maybe laughing), can see more clearly, they are starting to develop their personalities… and are frankly just easier to work with. They do still tire out, so if you like sleepy photos, there may still be an opportunity for that.
So I guess it is pretty clear that Luke made a pretty good impression on me! That baby was so sweet and good-natured… he was up for whatever. He let us manipulate him 100 different ways, and was still in a good mood and hamming it up for the camera! Oh– and the cuteness? To die for. Luke is going to be handsome like his cutie patootie brother Austin!!